
No One Can Do Everything, But Everyone Can Do Something

The Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge invites all our members to be part of the team. Volunteering is a great way to get involved with your Elks Lodge and meet new people. There are many positions your Lodge needs help with. Here are a few of the available opportunities.


Meal Service Nights

Meal service is a big part what makes our Lodge a wonderful place to be, but it takes a lot of people to make it happen. Almost every night of the week there is something happening at your Lodge, and we sure could use your help with meal preparation, serving and clean up. The average time needed for any meal service is about 3 hours. Maybe you and your friends could form a team to help with the meals a few times a year.

Community Outreach

We have many Community Outreach programs through-out the year where help is always appreciated. Check the website often for information on these opportunities.


The Lodge hosts a charity Bingo game every Tuesday night which is open to the public. We serve light snacks and soft beverages to our guest. 

Maintenance Committee

The Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge building has been around a long time and is always in need of tender care. There are many handyman projects we could use your help with. Cleaning the A/C filters, striping the parking lot, touch up painting, power washing, general maintenance are just a few of the things we get involved with around the Lodge. If you are the handyman type or have a special service you can offer to the Lodge let us know. We truly appreciate all the help.

You Can Help!

Sign Up to Volunteer

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